AGE highschooler

JOB girl

IS dirty-stray-cat

BIRTHDAY twentyfirst of march

LIKES doll making, drawing, skipping classes, eggs... salted foods, the joy of picking a scab over and over again, total freedom, causing shit for no coherent reasons, the space between the ground and resting place(bed)

DISLIKES people, "normal" people, downers, student council, rationality into incoherency, biscuits, tasteless foods, tasteless ikemen, ikemen, cold weathers, TOMATOES, and more.

ABOUT a wondrous girl with a questionable perception. sol is a lanky girl with the liking of pushing people around and away, a liking that comes with her hobby to bother people for fun. suffers from lack-of-understanding-people syndrome, a bid by her own doing by not trying to in the first place ~shes constantly fighting her own flesh and in result her flesh doesn't quiet work the same anymore. at specific corners she can be violent, but an exception comes to people perceived to be "weaker" than her (no guarantee on her flunctuating mood(cats will be cats))

sharp eyes that sees nothing but the worst in people and the best in the dead~ tall, unlike someone here. nose and other features may disapears or distort itself when she holds dark intents. her most prideful feature is her red?orange? pink? messy hair and her two twin braids. hairstyles may vary, but as long as she stands within school grounds, it will not change

stomach grumbling "ok we'll eat spinach today." stomach grumbles darkly "no, nevermind, i told you it wants fried eggs."


HOLD huge pair of scissors she stole.

home / back / deimos ^_^ mice ^_^_^ / phobos ^-^sheep