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JOB boy
IS corner-city-mouse
BIRTHDAY april fools-given by Solanine
LIKES 7 wonders of the world book, moral stories, friends, specifically friends who follows everything he says.
DISLIKES the stench of neglected, cockroaches, clowns, downers, rats(?!?!), when sol throws up at him
ABOUT A boy from nowhere, with dreams to be everywhere. dei is a naive, strangely overconfident perfectionist. he has a habit of disregarding concepts, including death. He not only wants himself to go to heaven, but his friends too, he'll do anything even if his friends would disagree with it. He tries to follow the rules and lessons obediently, but anger gets the better~worse of him

Pale hair and complexion is very notable. His hair is short and his eyes are in the shape similar of a cutted off pie. will he grow some legs? when? who knows, his voice is squeaky like a mouse.

"lalalalala~~ i love sol~~" <~~ he didn't actually say that
ADDITIONAL has a record of multiple breaking and entering plus theft
HOLD knife, anything he can

home / back / SOL =_=