Adjective. herbicidal. of, or relating to herbicides. having the ability to damage or destroy plants, especially weeds.

Herbicidall, or Herbi for short is a dark comedy collection of comics and drawings about shame and pride.

"Dei" and his roomate "Sol" get through everyday jumping over the carcasses between them and their adventures. The series are character-driven as it focuses on the relationships and ties and funerals and birthday parties, but they still have fun

Themes of social alienation and destructive actions will be present in the story, things may be subjected to change, but their diseases remain, take care ^3^

BIRTH 7th november 2022
GENRE surreal horror, dark comedy, drama, gayshit

About Me

I am this web-webmaster and penpal~~IEN, also goes by CON; i've been to the hospital more than i;ve been to the zoos.

i go by teethcrook9110 in the web, you can email me at for further inquiries. my personal can be accessed by clicking the gif or this text
HERBI box to put in your own spaces~
dei sol pho esd general 88x31 box coming soon

teethcrook9110 isn't linked with any tragedies, it is simply a set of numbers reccomended to me on Twitter TT__TT