AGE younger highschooler
IS sleeping-sheep
JOB boy
BIRTHDAY nineteenth of july
LIKES warm spicy soup, cooking, rock-collecting, organizing, baking, hand-me-downs books from his older acquaintances.
DISLIKES sudden change of plans, nosy people, slackers, confrontations, the fights he got in in middle-school.
ABOUT Quiet and reserved to only himself and his loved ones, he's the student council vice president. The morals he held for himself and the people around him are strangely high. It causes him to be cruel at times, but it's usually not his intent. Peace only comes to his mind whenever he's sure the people he holds dear are safe.

His face displays his thick eyebrows well, it gives off the idea that he's mad at you, but he isn't, probably. Naturally-somewhat curly hair hugs his face, it sometimes appears blue in summer time. Scabs littered his almond-skinned hands. His voice is quiet deep.

throws pebbles at the pond. throws pebbles at the pond. throws pebbles at the...
ADDITIONAL attended school earlier for being smarter than the rest.

HOLD pondside rock ~~>as a result of his hobby. sometimes a brick, or fist

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