AGE highschooler
IS oblivious-rabbit
JOB nothing
BIRTHDAY twenty-seventh of october
LIKES teas, pastries, coffees, origami crafts, knowing peoples information and habits more than what should be normal, "tending" connections
DISLIKES small domesticated animals, high maintenance beings, people pleasers, fish without undergoing three food process, middle schoolers, a-lot
ABOUT The student council president~~a calm smile is painted on esd face. Enough politeness to please, and enough relatability to socialize, daile can be in a lot of places. At times, daile may be eccentric and demanding, but it's still tolerable. A memorial garden is held within esdaile's mind, a palace for long deceased dreams and people out there.

Stable square-like shapes takes their eyes. Daile hair is known to be straight and brushed daily, their skin is dark, coming from the south-asian region. Often seen with the student council coat, and belt. Their voice is stable and calm, just like their eyes.

scribbles, scribbles, the sound of them thoughts writing could be heard

FUNFACT Their job is meaningless
HOLD boxcutters, only trouble-makers knows that.